Caring Hearts at St. John Vianney Church

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Caring Hearts of Cambridge Elementary are searching for gifts for children in need from our community.

Paper ornaments with written items of need, are hanging on the wreath at the back of our church.  You may take an ornament to shop in store, on line or by monetary donation. Please bring the unwrapped gift with the paper ornament to church and place in the box at the back of the church. To make a monetary donation you may return the ornament with a check by mailing it to our school. If you are unable to pick up an ornament you may also send a monetary donation to the school. Mrs. Capps will then be sure a gift is purchased or a food gift certificate if needed.

Make checks payable to Cambridge Elementary with Caring Hearts in the memo. The address is
Cambridge Elementary, 312 South West Street Cambridge, Il 61238. All items and donations are
needed by December 10th. 

Because of the COVID-19 issues please do not take items to the school building as there is limitations in entering the school. If you are unable to get the gift to church, please call Janice Van Meenen to make arrangements at 309-945-6336.

Thank you and God Bless